1. Our founders are active
Committee Members for the Universal Film and Festival Organization
(UFFO.ORG), an international non-profit based in the U.K., founded to
support/implement best business practices for film festivals
2. All Official
Selections/Winners may have the opportunity to ‘expose their shorts’
exclusively on WRPN.TV next to Hollywood celebrity interviews,
3.. Any film that is rejected
will receive a personal letter explaining what elements caused the
rejection (unlike other fests who never give any explanation at all).
4.There are also opportunities
for other awards, such as Awards Of Excellence, Awards Of Merit, and
SUB-CATEGORY AWARDS, such as best cinematography, original theme song,
script, concept creativity/originality, direction, special effects,
research, lead actor/actress, best supporting actor/actress, etc.
5. Any language accepted, either
dubbed in English, or with Englishsubtitles. No genre requirements.